Roll it, wrap it, garnish it! Easy 3-step recipes.
Temari Sushi made with Mamenori san® to add colorfulness and excitement!
5 different sets of topping for bento using Mamenori san®
Temari Sushi 10 pieces (Serving size 2)
Mamenori san® (color of your choice): 10 1/4 sheets
Sushi Rice: cooked rice 25oz and sushi vinegar 1/4 cup
5 sets of topping

One Point Advice
Make the rice ball the size of a golf ball for perfect fit with 1/4 cut of Mamenori san®
- Cut Mamenori san® into 1/4 square sheets.
Divide the sushi rice into 2.5oz portions and roll it into a ball using plastic wrap.
Cut Mamenori san® into 1/4 square sheets.
Place the rice ball in the center of Mamanorisan® sheet, and then gently wrap the rice ball.
Topping Ingredients
Avocado Shrimp Miso Mayo
Avocado: 2 slices (Cut avocado into 5mm thickness and drizzle the sushi vinegar.)
Cooked small shrimp: 2 pieces
Miso: 1/2 teaspoon
Mayo: 1 tablespoon
Shichimi pepper: pinch
Cream Cheese Salmon
A Cream cheese: 0.5oz
Black pepper: pinch
B Smoked salmon: 1 slice
Lemon juice: 1/2 teaspoon
Olive oil: 1/2 teaspoon
(Mix A ingredients together and B ingredients together.)
Yakiniku Potato Salad
Beef: 2 oz (Marinate the beef in A and cook them with canola oil)
A Soy sauce: 2 teaspoons
Honey: 1 teaspoon
White Sesame
Seeds: pinch
Canola oil: 1/2 teaspoon
Potato salad: 1 oz
Bean sprouts: little
Roast Beef Onion
Roast Beef: 0.7 oz
Sliced Onion: 0.7 oz (submerge in water)
A Soy sauce: 1 teaspoon
Whole-grain mustard: 2 teaspoons
(Mix A to make sauce and drizzle on the top)
Mentaiko Octopus Cucumber
Mentaiko: 0.7 oz break it up from its sac
Cucumber: 0.7 oz thin slice
Boiled octopus: 1 oz thin slice
Sesame seed oil: 1 teaspoon
Salt: pinch
(Mix them all)